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Éva Szabó and János Lőrinczi: Some Psychological Aspects of School Atmosphere

The purpose of this study was to explore what relationship could be between the different psychological aspects of school atmosphere. We have also focused on trying to find means and ways of measuring these factors. The research was carried out in three schools. 78 teachers and 308 pupils were interviewed. The questionnaires covered the following areas in case of pupils: motivation, self-concept, test-anxieties, attitude to school, perceived conflict resolution modes, in case of teachers: workplace atmosphere, satisfaction with work, pedagogical attitudes, self-esteem, accepted conflict resolution modes. Our findings showed that’s most of the factors had an impact on each other. We didn't find any direct relationship between the factors measuring both the teachers' and the students attitudes. Research revealed a few differences between the schools.

MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 98. Number 3. 211-229. (1998)

Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Szabó Éva, Department of Psychology, Attila József University, H–6722 Szeged, Petőfi S. sgt. 30–34. E-mail: [email protected]


Magyar Tudományos Akadémia