Péter Tibor Nagy: The Act of Educational Administration in 1941 There are four important elements of the education act of 1941. 1. It completed the act of 1935, which changed the Hungarian educational administaration and confiscated the power from the municipal level and from professional authorities to deconcentrated offices. The supervision became much more intensively than before. 2. This act strengthened the state against the churches and helped the authorities to contol church schools much more intensive then before. It was a kind of pre-nationalisation. 3. In the late thirties and early forties, Hungary got territories from the neighbouingr countries. It was important to create new authoroties to control the education of territorities. 4. The military act of 1939 confiscated military education from these Ministry of Education to the Ministry of Defense becaouse the latter ministry was stronger from a right wing viewpoint. After 1939, when minister Bálint Homan came back to power as the representative of the right wing opposition, it was possible to get back the military education to the Ministry of Education. The changes in the educational administration survived 1945, and after 1948 the totalitarian control system - created by the governments of the 1930s and early 1940s – served the communist educational policy. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 95. Number 1-2. 59-76. (1995) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Nagy Péter Tibor, Oktatáskutató Intézet, H–1132 Budapest, Victor Hugó u. 18–22 |